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Conjugación de inspire

to inspireinspirar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I inspireyo inspiro
you inspiretú inspiras
he inspiresél inspira
she inspiresella inspira
we inspirenosotros inspiramos
you inspirevosotros inspiráis
they inspireellos inspiran
they inspireellas inspiran

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I inspiredyo inspiré
you inspiredtú inspiraste
he inspiredél inspiró
she inspiredella inspiró
we inspirednosotros inspiramos
you inspiredvosotros inspirasteis
they inspiredellos inspiraron
they inspiredellas inspiraron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have inspiredyo he inspirado
you have inspiredtú has inspirado
he has inspiredél ha inspirado
she has inspiredella ha inspirado
we have inspirednosotros hemos inspirado
you have inspiredvosotros habéis inspirado
they have inspiredellos han inspirado
they have inspiredellas han inspirado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had inspiredyo había inspirado
you had inspiredtú habías inspirado
he had inspiredél había inspirado
she had inspiredella había inspirado
we had inspirednosotros habíamos inspirado
you had inspiredvosotros habíais inspirado
they had inspiredellos habían inspirado
they had inspiredellas habían inspirado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will inspireyo inspiraré
you will inspiretú inspirarás
he will inspireél inspirará
she will inspireella inspirará
we will inspirenosotros inspiraremos
you will inspirevosotros inspiraréis
they will inspireellos inspirarán
they will inspireellas inspirarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have inspiredyo habré inspirado
you will have inspiredtú habrás inspirado
he will have inspiredél habrá inspirado
she will have inspiredella habrá inspirado
we will have inspirednosotros habremos inspirado
you will have inspiredvosotros habréis inspirado
they will have inspiredellos habrán inspirado
they will have inspiredellas habrán inspirado

I would inspireyo inspiraría
you would inspiretú inspirarías
he would inspireél inspiraría
she would inspireella inspiraría
we would inspirenosotros inspiraríamos
you would inspirevosotros inspiraríais
they would inspireellos inspirarían
they would inspireellas inspirarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have inspiredyo habría inspirado
you would have inspiredtú habrías inspirado
he would have inspiredél habría inspirado
she would have inspiredella habría inspirado
we would have inspirednosotros habríamos inspirado
you would have inspiredvosotros habríais inspirado
they would have inspiredellos habrían inspirado
they would have inspiredellas habrían inspirado

Participio presenteAnotado
inspiring inspirando

Participio pasadoAnotado
inspired inspirado

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